I don't think these pictures capture her excitement. Before the ceremony a group of girl scouts came in to sing 'repeat' songs with the Daisies. It was really neat to see the older girls get the younger ones involved in fun songs. First, she received her insignia pin, demonstrating that she was officially welcomed to Girl Scouts.
She was praised for her responsibility (receiving the orange petal) by bringing her plants to the meetings each week, showing their growth, and eventually planting them in a community garden. Her plants were the first to grow and ended up being the largest when they finally went into the ground. Also, she earned patches for the gardening with a little watering can. Other petals received were rose for making the world a better place and light blue for being honest and fair. She also, in front of the entire group, (quietly) recited the Girl Scout promise.
We're very proud of Collette's accomplishments, and her enthusiasm in the program. Today, she spent a few hours outside Jamba Juice selling cans of nuts. She practiced before hand what she would say to folks coming by the table. And, the leaders said she did a good job getting past her shyness by talking to others.
She's so cute! Way to go Collette!