08 July 2010

The Zoo

I haven't been to the Oakland Zoo in like 10 years or so but I want to take advantage of the fact that we now live a little closer to it and it's half off with our Happy Hollow membership. So we met up with my sister in law and her two kids one day to spend some time running after four kids, counting heads, dashing off to bathrooms, constantly putting hand sanitizer on, counting heads, making up reasons why God made giraffs so tall, stepping on poop in the petting zoo area, counting heads, and all the while reminding them how much fun we're having. Oh, and trying to take some amount of half decent photos. I apologize now for not one time (in the massive lot of 3 photos) getting Lily, a darling little cousin to my kids, in a picture. We do love you, Lily.

Yes, yes... we are in front of the bathrooms- not a great landscape picture but cute enough to make it into the blog :) Lily was in the bathroom and didn't make the shot

Kinda obvious what we're doing here. I have no idea why Lily didn't make this shot...

My kids were amazed by the GINORMOUS bats in the background. A little disappointing for them to learn they are fruit bats and don't suck people's blood late into the night when the moon is full.

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