21 July 2009

Our new Abigail

Abigail's hair has gotten really long and really straggly. She has felt for a long time that if she had long hair, it made her a princess by default. Recently though she's becoming tired of the constant tangles and unhealthy looking hair. So, she finally agreed and got excited for a new hair cut. I took her to get it done yesterday and voilá~ we have ourselves a new little girl. Here is our new Abigail and her new (and loved) hair.


  1. Wow! Great hair - she's growing up!

  2. What a cutie! And gorgeous hair to boot!!

  3. Great hair! I love the length, perfect of ponytail or cute down!
    (Paige has the same shirt.)

  4. Wow - it looks great. How did you persuade her? I just spent 45 minutes brushing tangles out of Zadia's hair after she went swimming. I wish she would let me cut her hair!!!!

  5. I just got caught up on your blog, I have been a bad friend to all and haven't been checking blogs. Congrats on Gabe! He is so cute and tiny. Happy Birthday to Ben. My Benjamin would look like a monster next to him. He is always in the 90th percentile. He is so cute and yes he really needed a brother so they can play trucks instead of dress up. My little brother had 3 older sisters that tortured him and dressed him up too and he will be a better husband for it :) I love Abigail's haircut she looks so grown up now. She is such a pretty girl.

  6. Your hair is beautiful - and you're still a princess.

  7. Laura, I can't believe how grown up Abigail has gotten---I don't even recognize her! Congrats on a beautiful new baby. Hoorah, you're done with pregnancy!
