05 September 2011

Collette & Joel's first photowalk

Collette and I, for our night out, took advantage of a special event – a Google+ photowalk at Cal. I've been trying a little photography here and there - still don't really know how to use my camera. So, I thought it was a good time to meet some photographers, and hopefully learn something. Plus, since Collette loves the 'train' rides, I thought taking her on BART up to Berkeley would be fun. Also, all my kids love using our cameras to take pictures.

The BART ride was great. After getting off BART, and making a quick potty stop, we trekked up to the campanile where the group was meeting. I shortened the strap on the Leica and let Collette have free range taking pictures. I think she actually took some amazing shots. Probably better than any of mine. Seriously, I was a bit disappointed with my inability to take good pictures.

Here's some of Collette's pics:

From Berkeley photowalk (Collette's pictures)

My photo of her:

From Berkeley photowalk

Inside of the mining building:

And at the reflecting pool:

She also loved to take self-portraits.

Unfortunately, the Leica ran out of batteries soon after we started the walk. So, I gave her my phone so she could keep up the picture taking. That second self-portrait is with the phone. You'll notice the other low-quality pics are from the phone too.

After the mining building, we went to the Biology building to check out the dinosaur. Collette really loved looking at the bones of these old creatures. What's the first thing she did when she saw it? Of course, she ran past the 'don't enter' marks and touched the toe of the T-Rex. Here's my snapshot of the bones, followed by Collette's:

After looking at the dinosaur, we split from the group and went to get some food. It was getting late, and Collette hadn't eaten much, except for an energy bar brought by a Google+ community manager. On the way out, we saw some drum rehearsal in Sproul Plaza. We stopped off to get crepes and then hopped on BART to take the long ride home to Fremont.

Everyone loved having Collette around. I met a few people in person that I had only known online previously. It was good fun for us both. I think I need to hand my kids the camera more often. They can take some great pictures. It was a late night, but ultimately worth it. Plus I could talk up what a great university Cal is and how she should go there someday. Go Bears!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Joel. I too love Collette's shots. She is so literal.
